Lauren Adejumo

eLearning & Instructional Designer

I create engaging eLearning experiences that are solutions-based and focused on closing knowledge and skill gaps.

© Lauren Adejumo. All rights reserved.


CTA Subway Quiz

This eLearning project was designed to test the knowledge of Chicago CTA users through a fun quiz that asks questions about the proper subway lines to take to reach a particular destination.

360 SMART Escape Room

This immersive project was designed to take online learning to the next level with a 360 degree experience. It is intended to engage and test knowledge of learners who complete a webinar or workshop about SMART goals.

ADDIE at a glance

This interactive guide presents to users the core stages within the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Each component shares helpful information about the framework in designing and developing educational and training programs.

© Lauren Adejumo. All rights reserved.

cta subway quiz

As public transportation gets more and more popular around the city of Chicago, this interactive quiz tests your knowledge of commonly used CTA subway lines. All correct answers lead you one way, while one incorrect answer leads you a different way. This project is meant to educate constituents of the city in a fun way about which subway lines help riders arrive at a particular destination in Chicago.Audience Internally: Instructional Designers, eLearning Experience Designers, Game Show Content CreatorsAudience Externally: Chicago constituents looking to test their CTA subway knowledgeResponsibilities: Instructional Design, eLearning DevelopmentTools Used: Articulate Storyline 360, Google SlidesProblem: Many constituents of Chicago are unaware of which subway lines to use when traveling to a particular location. This causes CTA subway riders to be confused and frustrated during their subway journey.Solution: This fun project questions Chicagoans about popular subway lines and possible arrival points throughout the city. If a question is answered incorrectly, knowledge is still acquired as the eLearning scenario offers a helpful tip regarding the subway line selected.Process: My intended outcome for this project follows a majority of Gagne's Nine Events of learning. As a designer, there was an initial attempt to gain attention of the user by incorporating audio. The objective to learn more about CTA subway lines was embedded through each question and answer I created. The content I designed was presented in a simplistic way using media, while adhering to cognitive management. There is also guidance and performance tasks throughout the eLearning experience that assesses performance and provides feedback through an opportunity to try each scenario again.

© Lauren Adejumo. All rights reserved.

360 smart Escape Room

Keeping in mind the demand for more engaging experiences for learners, this immersive project brings the world of 360 degree view to life. With fun, challenging content regarding the fundamentals of SMART goals, this type of design exposes teachers and learners to educational pathways that are designed to be interactive.Audience Internally: Instructional Designers, eLearning Experience Designers, Graphic Designers, Virtual Reality Content CreatorsAudience Externally: Educators looking to broaden engagement with online or virtual learning for their learnersResponsibilities: Instructional Design, Educational Content DevelopmentTools Used: Articulate Storyline 360, Google DocsProblem: In-person workshop settings are saturated with heavy pencil-paper content, rarely offering exploratory learning experiences in a virtual environment. With more people opting for online learning, few options with engaging material exists for educators to use as a supplement to the resources they use normally.Solution: This immersive and out-of-the-box experience allows learners to move the mouse to view an escape room in 360 degrees, while solving knowledge-acquiring problems. Built-in error messages surface when answers are incorrect, which motivates learners to keep striving for accuracy.Process: With Blooms Taxonomy as guidance for the learning objective, I ensured that there was alignment with the objectives, content, activities, and assessment. This allowed for more variation between the complexity of the questions as well as the overall design for the interactive platform. In the end, it also serves as an example to Gagne's Nine Events of Learning as a way to elicit performance to demonstrate knowledge.

© Lauren Adejumo. All rights reserved.

ADDIE at a glance

The ADDIE Model of Instructional Design is still one of the most popular learning methodologies in corporate America and higher education. Through this interactive guide, users have the chance to refresh their memory on each key component, and hopefully, reincorporate the method in current and future course development.Audience Internally: Instructional Designers, eLearning Experience Designers, Course Developers, Trainers and EducatorsAudience Externally: Learners seeking to organize and streamline the production of course contentResponsibilities: Instructional Design, eLearning DevelopmentTools Used: Articulate Storyline 360, Google SlidesProblem: As eLearning and instructional design become more common, many content creators seek out the design and development stage first, and ignore the other stages in the process. This means that truly learning more about the problem, the audience, and the solution is overlooked (analysis) and lack of efficiency arises (implementation and evaluation).Solution: This project capitalizes on the importance of each phase and the significance of following its order to produce the intended learning objectives. It hones in on how and why each phase builds off one another, so that learning gaps are realized throughout the process.Process: Guided by the ADDIE Model itself, I began to think about the learning outcomes for this guide. This led me to thinking about the design elements I would use as I created the storyboards. Next, I used an authoring tool that would efficiently reach the intended outcomes, while being implemented on the web. Last is to evaluate its success with the audience I am able to reach.


Who I am
Born and raised in Chicago, I am a former elementary school educator and curriculum designer. Through countless international work and volunteer experiences, my professional landscape extends to communities in Guatemala, South Africa, Colombia, Thailand--to name a few. Along my journey in schools and non-profit environments being exposed to different perspectives, I have experienced the public, private, charter, and corporate America work settings. Each experience has strengthened my desire to pursue eLearning and instructional design decisions that challenge me to be innovative, considerate, and intentional--ones that drive my professional devotion to being a life-long learner.

Who I am...really
The three words that describe who I am on a personal level would be adventurous, spontaneous, and dedicated. In all of my endeavors traveling and exploring the world, I embark on the wildest, off-the-beaten path excursions that give an adrenaline rush. It's always fun to see what and who I meet along the way. Being open-minded to change has allowed my journey to be more genuine and intentional as I have shifts in things, both tangible and abstract, that I value. As I maneuver through life with flexible guardrails, I have stayed true to the person I am and the person I am striving to become. Check out some snapshots of my travels below!

My process and approach
Throughout my Masters program with Curriculum and Instruction, I focused heavily on the importance and impact of the ADDIE model. I have had thorough practice with needs assessment, learner analysis, and context analyses. This has allowed me to truly learn about the problem and potential solutions, while keeping the audience and their needs at the forefront. Being an educator has afforded me a ton of experience developing strong learning objectives and outlining the intended outcomes, which influences the direction of my design and implementation process. Furthermore, using the Blooms Taxonomy theory in practice has guided my work to really hone in on the performance, criteria, and condition of the learning objective. While I am able to ensure that learning is measurable and meaningful, one of the more crucial components is how engaging the content is. I am no stranger to the cognitive load theory, so engaging the audience in appropriate ways is definitely a must in my work.

© Lauren Adejumo. All rights reserved.


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© Lauren Adejumo. All rights reserved.

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© Lauren Adejumo. All rights reserved.